Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Please slap me..

If all my Facebook statues leading up to the few days before come home consist of NOTHING but him coming home. Now I get that it's a happy moment and you are so excited. But posting a status, 10 times a day that say the same thing just in a different way is just not necessary.. Not at all. In fact it's freaking annoying! Now I am probably more annoyed because I am jealous. This battalion left after ours, and is coming home before. So yes I do admit that I am jealous but it's still annoying. I personally couldn't bring myself to say something, although I really wanted to. But her Sister did and it made me laugh.. She said "You know you can use facebook to post about a whole variety of things, right?" It was funny and made me feel better lol

But seriously.. I don't want to be that person. I know I post about Eric and stuff but that's more because he likes seeing my statues and it lets him know we miss him. But ALL of my statues are not about that, or him. They are about all different things. Half the time I don't post statues because I don't have anything to say.

So if I do.. Slap me.. Message me to shut up and stop being annoying like the previous person. Thank you. :)

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