Monday, November 1, 2010

Just like Daddy

Conner dressed up like Daddy for Halloween 2010

Final month!

So November is the last full month without our Hero! I can't even put into words how excited we are all getting! October flew by, and I am sure this month will to since we have so much to do to get ready and drive down to Mississippi. I want to order a shirt for Conner to wear and get our home made signs made. I have the banner to hang on our house if we have one when we get down there. It's going to be amazing.

I know Eric, and all the other guys are getting so antsy. I can't imagine how they are feeling, since I am super excited and they are excited about not only coming home to their Families but to America! 10 months is far to long! I hope we never have to do one this long again.

It's been great being home, but it's time to be a Family again and start our new life for the next year or so. We'll be down in MS for a few weeks then come home for a couple of weeks for Christmas and then head back down. We will be back up here in July for my friends Wedding.

Soo wooooo hoooo Eric will be home soon!!