Thursday, April 1, 2010

6 weeks down

Well we've made is 6 weeks today! Sometimes it feels like it's been so much longer, but on the other hand it's like wow it's been 6 weeks! I have been hanging in there. I still have my bad days, always will. I'm so ready for him to be home already. I want our regular life back, to be back into our routine. I want to spend my evenings with him and go to sleep next to him. I want Conner to have his Daddy here to play with and love on. I miss those things.

Eric is doing well. He also has good days and bad. During the week he stays pretty busy so I don't think he has much time to think about it, but on the weekends it's harder for him. But he's been working hard. He's been working out and losing weight. He is doing so much better on his run. I am so proud of him.

Conner is doing good also. Still talks about Daddy and likes to look at his picture on my phone. He's getting so big. I can't believe that next month our baby will be 2! It's amazing how much they change and grow. Couldn't be more thankful for our baby boy!

So we're all doing as well as we can. Hanging in there and helping each other through everyday. I've found out who my true friends are through this deployment. I don't have many but the ones I do have I am so thankful for. I'm thankful for everything my parent's do to help me out. I know coming home was a tough decision, and in some cases it's hard, but I don't think I could do this without their support, and my friends' support. I'm a lucky girl. I dwell to much on friends that don't dwell on me so I am learning to let go of them. Just be thankful for what I have.

Well 6 down.. Many more to go. I hope the next months ahead fly by as fast as March did! Love and miss you baby!